Thursday, August 22, 2013

Things a Man Should Know achieves 5 star status!

Five Stars

      Thanks to all of the great fans of "Things a Man Should Know", the book has had overwhelming success.  Things a Man Should Know has earned 5 star rating in every single marketplace including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBookstore and Goodreads!  The positive feedback and reviews from the release, continue to pour in and the fan base on Facebook continues to grow. 
      Inspired by writing a book that breaks down and dissects what it means to be an Alpha Male while simultaneously helping the reader develop confidence in what are perceived as the key male competencies I set out to write a unique book and one unlike any other.  In the books conception I could have never anticipated all the outstanding feedback that I have received nor expected to develop such a loyal and committed reader base.  Thank you to all the fans of "Things a Man Should Know" for placing the book on the top of book marketplaces worldwide!

Haven't read "Things a Man Should Know?  Find out more and download immediately or order your softcover copy by clicking below!

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Monday, January 14, 2013

What is a Alpha Male

  An Alpha Male is not about arrogance, control, or cockiness, although this is a common misconception. Although the classical definition of an Alpha Male is grounded in primal animalistic behaviors of dominance, mating rights and physical strength, the definition through time has evolved and taken on new meaning. In modern human society an Alpha Male is seen as an attitude built equally of both mental confidence and competence combined and has very little to do with physical attributes or social status. Plainly put an Alpha Male is a man that knows what to do, and has the ability and confidence to do it in any situation. This confidence is typically derived from life experience and thus the Alpha Male is typically a curious and somewhat fearless personality that challenges himself constantly through both thought and action. This constant challenge, and thirst for knowledge creates a very diverse, flexible and open minded approach to everyday existence. 

   Through this lifelong thirst for knowledge and understanding both confidence and competence is created and enhanced. Typically other men look to an Alpha Male for guidance on everyday decisions and leadership. Although the Alpha Male is not an expert on everything he is somewhat of a “millennia man” and has dabbled, studied, and learned at least the basics on most subjects and therefore becomes a leader, and a source of admiration among his peers. The irony is the constant search for knowledge and constant self reflection makes the Alpha Male very self aware and the exact opposite of what most people associate the Alpha Male mentality as being. Alpha’s hate arrogance, cockiness, and selfishness, and although typically non confrontational will be quick to challenge these personalities and establish dominance when needed.

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