Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How to give an orgasm

     For many guys this is no problem and many take it as a challenge constantly refining their bedroom techniques to be the best that they can be.  If you are not one of these guys you may consider becoming one, it’s pretty important.   Getting the girl is only half the battle and you can be as interesting, charming and seducing as you want, but you do want to build up all that curiosity and intrigue only to be a letdown in the bedroom.  If you struggle in this area, it’s one of those things that just takes a bit of practice.  If you have a partner that is not shy about giving you feedback, the process of getting it right can be that much quicker.   If however this is not something you want to discuss there is plenty of information online that can assist you with this.  Let’s face it there are worse things to practice than this.  I will not get too involved because I want to keep this a G-rated blog and in truth this subject could fill a whole other blog entirely.  What you need to know is that all women are different on this and some are easier than others but it is something you need to know and be able to do and do well, so I would move this to the top of the priority list.  In fact this just may be the most important piece of this blog.   I will tell you that if you get this right you just made yourself significantly more interesting! 
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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Learn To Shoot a Gun

   Let me reference Indiana Jones, John Rambo, or James Bond.  Any chance any of these guys don’t know how to shoot any gun they come in contact with?  While you don’t have to be a competition shooter you should know the basics of shooting a hand gun, rifle, and shot gun, and the basics of how they work. This is an easy one since most shooting ranges rent guns, and will give you a few safety tips, and let you have at it. There is usually a large variety of guns available to try out, and so you can start with a small caliber .22, and work up from there as you become more comfortable. The best part is that the smaller the round the cheaper the ammo so spending a day at the range with a .22 is a relatively inexpensive way to spend the day.  Most of these ranges have rifle ranges available as well, and some even have a shot gun range which is usually just a big pile of dirt to shoot at but it’s still fun.  The end result is you will become comfortable with multiple types of firearms, and be able to quickly load, un-safety and fire a round if needed. If you actually own a gun don’t wait till the day comes that you need it for home protection to figure this out.  Know your gun intimately before that day comes.  Shooting has been one of the fastest growing sports in recent years, and gun sales are at all time high’s.  Some would say this has to do with fear of tightening gun laws but whatever the case there are a lot more guns out there now then in recent history. Even from a safety point you may not want to be one of the few that don’t have one.  Bad guys have guns too, and even the best trained martial artist can’t outrun a bullet. On the lighter side shooting is an incredibly fun hobby and is also gaining popularity with women.  More than ever people are exercising their 2nd amendment rights so it’s a great time and opportunity to learn this skill, and add to your knowledge and abilities. 
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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Learn to Spot a Liar

   You will not always be successful.  At times we are all lied too and we always feel like a fool as if we should have known or seen the signs.  While having the ability to tell if anyone is lying is impossible you can work towards improving at this or identifying certain key characteristics of a liar or even worse the dreaded compulsive liar.  Most of us have known one or two of these people in their life.   A compulsive liar is a person that lies even when there is no reason too.  They will lie about stupid and unimportant things, and there lies flow so seamlessly that they don’t even know they are doing it. They will often contradict other statement that they have made but when questioned have the ability to quickly insert another lie to justify it.  A compulsive liar has not conscience and believes that there behavior is normal.  They lack moral virtue, and honor, and feel not guilt for their actions, always believing that what others don’t know can’t hurt them.  When you encounter a person with these traits avoid them!  They cannot be rehabilitated.   They will not change no matter what the consequences, or how much they stand to lose.

   Some key characteristics to look for in a liar are in body language.  If it’s a man he will have a weak handshake, and seldom look you in the eye.  A compulsive liar will always have a story to tell, and will often try to “trump” the story of others even though the experience is not real.  They will be a self-proclaimed expert on everything provided a real expert is not present to contradict them.  These people are often very secretive in their personal life.  They will seldom celebrate the accomplishments or stories of others choosing instead to immediately respond with a story of their own which is slightly better, or to show that they too have had such accomplishment.  Often they don’t even hear your story, and are busy formulating their own in their head while you speak.  They will often borrow money, and seldom apologize when caught usually opting for an excuse out of pride.  In their eyes, to show appreciation or celebrate the accomplishments of another will take away or devalue them, and they cannot have this.  It can be difficult to differentiate between someone who has had great experiences and accomplishments in life from a compulsive liar but as you become more experienced at spotting the signs you will learn the difference.  There are people that have lived a full life, and done many different things, in fact this is really what this book is all about, and doing these things adds personality, experience, and depth but know the difference between these people and those who simply claim too.  A compulsive liar will seldom have evidence of their accomplishments and live on their stories alone, and ability to talk a great talk. Being in a relationship with a liar can be brutal and all costs avoid it, and never feel you can change it.  The lies cannot be controlled, and they have far more love for themselves than they could ever have with another in either friendship or beyond.  It is self servitude, and insecurity that drives this behavior at its core, and they cannot be trusted.   Learn to identify these traits and avoid these people and your life will be much richer as a whole.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Learning to Be a Leader in Any Situation

   Being a leader is not about being the most vocal.  It’s mostly about confidence.  Confidence to know how to deal with any situation.  Confidence in your actions and your ability to communicate your vision to others.  Leadership is also a switch that can be turned on or off depending on your setting.  You do not have to be the leader in every situation but when things become difficult, or you are faced with challenges have the courage and confidence to take control, and direct others is what leadership is all about.  The biggest piece of this is yours ability to communicate.  If others whom you hope to lead don’t have confidence in your abilities or knowledge you will not succeed.  Many people feel leadership applies only to work related activities but that’s not true.  In almost any situation someone is taking the lead weather consciously or subconsciously. 

    To inspire others you have to be able to communicate effectively what it is you hope to accomplish, and your plan to get there.  They have to buy into your plan and believe in your actions.  If you’re able to consistently do this you will establish yourself as a leader.  A good way to tell if you have leadership ability is if friends and colleges come to you on a regular basis for advice on important subjects in their lives.  If they do that means they respect, and admire your knowledge and ability to communicate and share that knowledge.   The most important thing is that when things become difficult that you have the ability to step into the driver’s seat, take control, and create action.  This will be a source of admiration, and garner respect from those around you.  Leadership is not about being loud, pushy, vocal, or controlling.  Let your confidence drive your words, and actions; not ego, and you will learn to be a great leader.  In September of 1901 Teddy Roosevelt made history by saying “speak softly and carry a big stick”.  This is a great philosophy to keep in mind when trying to establish yourself as a leader.  It’s better to speak less than to speak often and have your words fall on deaf ears.  You will know you are successful when you notice that when you speak others quiet down to hear what you have to say, and take interest in your perspective.
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Most Interesting Man in the World

     We all know him.  When he speaks others listen.  He seems to take the lead in any situation.  In almost any challenge he knows the answer.  He is not an expert in any one area, but more of a millennia man who has basic knowledge in many subjects and constantly searches for new challenges and information. He is comfortable sipping wine, discussing politics, cuisine and culture and yet he can ride a motorcycle, make a fire, shoot a mean game of pool, or hold his own in a fight if he has to.  He knows all the players names on his favorite football teams defensive line.  He can shoot a gun, grill a mean steak, change a tire and back a boat trailer down to the water perfectly on the first shot.   When others have questions or need advice they call him.   He is a leader even when he’s not speaking.   Experienced, calm and relaxed, others take comfort in his presence.  They find his stories and life experiences interesting and he seems as though he has many.  He is not afraid to take risks when it makes sense and he holds an inner curiosity that drives a secret sense of adventure.  He follows through and does what he says he will do.  He is admired for his depth in personality and character.  He does not fear rejection or reaction and is passionate in everything he does.  There is very little he has not tried or done and although he is not an expert on everything, he seems to have the life experiences, knowledge and background to be comfortable in just about any situation or discussion.   He is the real “most interesting man in the world”.   But how did he get that way?  Was this deliberate or intentional?  How can others achieve the same respect, knowledge, experiences and confidence? 
     The truth is, it’s really not that hard.  It does not take work and It’s not deliberate.  It’s simply a result of curiosity and openness.  An inner drive to learn and experience as much in life as possible and overcome fears or apprehensions.   While you can’t make up for a life’s worth of experiences and knowledge, there are some basic things in life that every man should know and understand. There is also a subsequent inner peace derived from expanding one's knowledge and a sense of confidence that comes from embracing life's experiences.  This book will help guide you on things every man should know and how to begin to gain that knowledge and confidence.  Times have changed and through the years, men have forgotten those things that used to be basic knowledge. These signature traits that characterized the very core of what it means to be a man have been lost.  Your goal does not have to be to become the most interesting man in the world, but every man should be able to pitch a tent, troubleshoot an engine or throw a football.  While the key to one's depth is an open mind and curiosity, these are some of what I feel are the most important things a man should know and how to do them.   This book will identify the things that every man should know and how to begin your journey to becoming the Alpha Male, and the most interesting man in the world.


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Things a Man Should Know

    This blog is intended as a source of information and feedback for the newly released book "Things a Man Should Know, A guide to Becoming the Most Interesting Man in the World"    This book is the 2nd book in the "Alpha Male" series written by Thomas DiPaolo and is available for a limited time as a new relase and with discounted price. This publication is available for all electronic devises including iphones, ipads, nook, and kindle and is available in Ibookstore, and Barnes &
   Feel free to leave comments, re-thread, or feedback related to this publication on this page.

Things a man should know is the second book in the “Alpha Male” series.  Building off the success of Alpha Male volume 1, “How to Win Any Fight Without Training”, Things a man should know delves into the very core of what it means to be the Alpha Male, and helps isolate the key traits, skills, and knowledge that any man should not only know, but be able to do.  The Alpha Male series is designed and intended specifically for men, and are short, direct, and easy to read with a strong emphasis on the signature skills, and knowledge that contribute to the development of an Alpha Male leader.  Things a man should know not only establishes a base line of knowledge that all men should know, but offers direction and insight into becoming the real most interesting man in the world.  The Alpha Male series outlines the skills, simplifies the approach, as well as shows how to do it, and where to get more information on each subject.  The goal of this series is to offer helpful tips, and guidance to help any man ascend to Alpha Male status and improve his quality of life, character, and interest among peers with a non-judgmental, yet direct approach.

To purchase your discounted version of "Things a Man Should Know" click the link below.
