Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Learn To Shoot a Gun

   Let me reference Indiana Jones, John Rambo, or James Bond.  Any chance any of these guys don’t know how to shoot any gun they come in contact with?  While you don’t have to be a competition shooter you should know the basics of shooting a hand gun, rifle, and shot gun, and the basics of how they work. This is an easy one since most shooting ranges rent guns, and will give you a few safety tips, and let you have at it. There is usually a large variety of guns available to try out, and so you can start with a small caliber .22, and work up from there as you become more comfortable. The best part is that the smaller the round the cheaper the ammo so spending a day at the range with a .22 is a relatively inexpensive way to spend the day.  Most of these ranges have rifle ranges available as well, and some even have a shot gun range which is usually just a big pile of dirt to shoot at but it’s still fun.  The end result is you will become comfortable with multiple types of firearms, and be able to quickly load, un-safety and fire a round if needed. If you actually own a gun don’t wait till the day comes that you need it for home protection to figure this out.  Know your gun intimately before that day comes.  Shooting has been one of the fastest growing sports in recent years, and gun sales are at all time high’s.  Some would say this has to do with fear of tightening gun laws but whatever the case there are a lot more guns out there now then in recent history. Even from a safety point you may not want to be one of the few that don’t have one.  Bad guys have guns too, and even the best trained martial artist can’t outrun a bullet. On the lighter side shooting is an incredibly fun hobby and is also gaining popularity with women.  More than ever people are exercising their 2nd amendment rights so it’s a great time and opportunity to learn this skill, and add to your knowledge and abilities. 
Learn More, Available on Ibookstore & Barnes & Noble

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